Author Archives: Writer

Five Drinks to Pair with Your Steak Besides Red Wine

Steak is a very popular dinner choice, whether cooking at home or eating at a restaurant. No matter how you like your steak, there are some things you can do to enhance your experience and make the most of your meal. While red wine is considered to be the classic choice for pairing with steak, […]

Choosing the Best Wine for Your Steak

While you probably already know your favorite type of steak, it’s often challenging to find the right wine on a restaurant’s drink menu. Wine and steak should pair together perfectly, and choosing the wrong wine could prevent you from having the ultimate dining experience. There are several things to consider when trying to pick a […]

What Makes a Restaurant “Fine Dining”?

Are you a Seymour, WI resident wondering about the definition of fine dining?  When some people think of fine dining restaurants, they only consider the prices. In fact, there are several factors a restaurant must have in order to be considered “fine dining.” These can include a beautiful décor, well-dressed servers and much more. The […]

What’s the Difference Between a Craft Beer and a Microbrew Beer?

Two things go hand in hand: Wisconsin and beer. While most beer drinkers will gladly have a Miller Lite, Pabst Blue Ribbon or similar mass-produced beer, there’s a growing number of folks who opt for a craft beer in Seymour, WI when they’re at the bar. But with so many craft breweries popping up across […]

How to Pair Cocktails and Food

Hosting a dinner party with friends and family can be a great way to spend an evening. One way to elevate your get-together is to consider matching each dish with a refreshing cocktail. Serving different beverages to go with each course is a fun way to try new libations while ensuring your guests have a […]